
Sandy Choi

"Where do I even begin? I have so many great things to share about Sarah and NowBloom Academy. I felt equally blessed, encouraged, and equipped to do the work God has placed in my heart through Sarah's teachings. She was intentional about each video and lesson, she was thoughtful in her approach, and I sensed that the Holy Spirit was working through her. She is incredibly knowledgeable about each topic and just as compassionate. I couldn't have asked for a better teacher and leader to guide me through this process. I learned how to be my own coach and through that, I found healing in areas I didn't even realize I needed healing in. I would recommend this course to anyone even if they're not looking to be a Christian Life Coach. You would receive so much out of it and ultimately help you in your relationship with our loving Father."

Minna Pitkähalme

"The course was even a bigger blessing that I had anticipated. It was a learning process, and it was a personal journey to healing and towards a deeper relationship with the Lord. To be able to meet all the beautiful ladies around the world, who were so on fire for the Lord was a true inspiration as well."

Stephanie Alisia Brathwaite

"Sarah's teaching was really good and I have learned a lot through out this course. I definitely can recommend her and this course. It is clear to see that this is sincere."

Katy St-Cyr

"The Lord put on my heart for two years now to go into Christian Life Coaching. He then led me to this course which is so much and way above all my expectations. In all aspects... I am amazed on how Holy Spirit led it was!! I am in total appreciation of Sarah's generosity, her faith, her wisdom, her obedience, her inner talent, and gift at coaching. I also feel so blessed with the many coaching friends and partners that came out of it. The blessings and outcomes of this course outweigh the investments in numerous ways."

Jessica Torres

"God brought Nowbloom Academy to me at a time I didn't even plan on getting a Christian Life Coach certification. I had been coaching for a few years but then was radically saved by Jesus and stumbled upon Sarah's youtube just a few months later. Quickly I saw that she was enrolling for NowBloom and with no questions asked I knew the Lord wanted me to be a part of this. During the six months of the program I was redoing my own website for coaching and having my business be cleaned out and sanctified to be built on the firm foundation of Christ and having Sarah model what that looks like was SO helpful! I've met and connected with SO many other women turned Sisters in Christ who are walking with the Lord. The content was done so beautifully, each video I received some sort of revelation. The little quizzes and homework were just enough to keep you engaged throughout the 6 months without overloading you. Coming out of the 6 months I feel more sure, equipped, and rooted in the Lord to go forth as a Faith based Life & Business coach thanks to Sarah and NowBloom Academy! I am forever grateful!!!"

Prisca George

"Taking the NowBloom Academy course was life-changing. I was praying about the right Christian Life coaching course to take, and though I found many online, this one spoke volumes to me. I knew that God was confirming in my spirit that this is the course for me. Sarah made sure to remind us to do the lessons and work while during our quiet time with the Lord. She encouraged us to be led by the Holy Spirit every step of the way. I really appreciated that. The fact that her course was affordable confirmed that Sarah was in fact doing what she was doing out of love and through the direction of the Holy Spirit. I am so happy to be a certified Christian Life coach today, and I owe it to Sarah who obeyed God’s call to help form people like me."

Leah Grace

"I am so happy that I found Sarah's course -Nowbloom Academy. I have wanted to counsel people for such a long time but never wanted to go to University to do physology or counselling. To be honest, I wasn’t really aware that Christian Life Coaching was a thing until I found Sarah on YouTube. This has been such a huge blessing and I can't wait to begin my ministry and helping coach people and help them find their healing from past trauma with the Holy Spirit."

Deanndra Keppler

"I know it was God that connected me to NowBloom the Lord was leading me to become a life coach and wanted me to have training I’m so thankful I connected with NowBloom. I feel I found my true calling."

Tarynn Pieternella

"Thanks to NowBloom Academy I’m now a Certified Christian Life Coach, and I feel strongly equipped to help young woman discover and walk in their God-given identity and calling. Every single teaching in the Christian Life Coach program is filled with so much wisdom and encouragement. As a student, I experienced great spiritual growth, and I received a lot of clarity and revelation from God with the help of Nowbloom Academy."

Heather Trantham

"This course helped me to prepare to be conduit of healing to those who are struggling and suffering. While completing the reflective work on myself, I experienced inner healing through the Holy Spirit! This course was exactly what I needed to re-gain the confidence in the giftings that God had bestowed upon me, especially discernment, and then to launch me forward into full-time Kingdom work for His glory! I highly recommend this course and I'm so grateful for Sarah's surrender, obedience, and cooperation with the Holy Spirit in creating it."

Esther Espinoza

"Because of Nowbloom Academy certification program I can now step into what I am called to do with confidence. God equipped me through this program. Sarah is a brilliant instructor and she radiates God’s love and is an anointed vessel. This program was exactly what I needed."

Sandy S.

"I feel so blessed to have been a part of the first group of NowBloom students! The course was more than I could have imagined and, although helping your students grow in the Lord may not have been the biggest focus of the course as you developed it, I wanted to say that my faith and my walk with the Lord has grown exponentially over these last number of months. I've heard this from other students as well and I believe it was through the work of the Holy Spirit by way of your program. You are doing great work in His name and you glorify Him beautifully in each and every module. The content was excellent, professionally laid out and easy-to-understand. I feel more than equipped to start this new season in my life as Christian Life Coach and I look forward to maintaining an ongoing connection with you and my fellow students. I pray the Lord continues to bless you and sustain you as you continue to grow NowBloom Academy."


"I wanted to take this opportunity to just thank you for being an outstanding extraordinary coach, instructor, friend, and everything else above. You have made taking your course a breeze. I pray blessings upon blessings as you embark on this new journey and that your family will be blessed beyond measure. Also, you step out of your comfort zone to see others succeed."

Natalie Begin

"NowBloom Academy was such a beautiful experience. Not only did it fully equip me with knowledge, but it also gave me so much experience through the Practicum calls, praying on zoom calls, and the group chat! I would recommend this course to anyone considering life coaching, particularly Christian life coaching."

Marley Brites

"It was an absolute pleasure taking the NowBloom Academy Christian life coaching course ! I loved how strongly faith based this course was. Being a mom of 2 young boys, life gets busy. I wanted to challenge myself, and taking this course was super attainable. I looked forward to Monday morning, when new lessons were released. I found the course easy to follow along with. Sarah was so supportive! I'm sure each student must have felt as encouraged as I felt. There was fellowship, there was growth, and most importantly, the focus was walking out our faith and encouraging others to preserve."

Kayla Crosby

"The NowBloom Academy was truly an answered prayer. For years I searched for a coaching certification program that aligned with my values and preferences. A program that included quality and sound teachings on both the soul and spirit. A program that was centered on God but also gave information about how to incorporate God in a world that is not centered on Him. Most importantly, a program ran by someone that genuinely loved the Lord and others around them. But at last, in April 2022 the search was over; because my active prayer was answered.I discovered the executive instructor, Sarah Aziz, on youtube around that time, and later on her coaching program. Now I have been certified as a life coach for 3 months now, by this wonderful academy. Every lesson I learned is not only profiting my clients but my everyday life as well. NowBloom Academy is not just a certification program but a hub to hear God's voice and to receive His sound wisdom."

Alexa A.

"NowBloom Academy helped me grow so much personally on my walk with the LORD as well as gave me tools to help others. Sarah is very thorough in the modules and provides excellent support throughout the course. I also made amazing connections with other believers. This course was an answered prayer! "

Alysha Fisher

"NowBloom Academy was more than just a course! I was able to receive breakthrough in my own personal life and grow emotionally and spiritually. Sarah provided all the tools and information needed to be a confident Christian Life Coach. Also, I was able to make life long friendships that I did not expect. NowBloom Academy is more than just a course, but overall life changing!"

Denise N.

"NowBloom Academy is a life-changing experience. I didn't know what to expect when taking this course, but by the end of it, I found myself wiser, stronger, more emotionally aware, able to be a more effective communicator and an active listener. I also met some of the most amazing women and formulated some lasting friendships! I thank God brought this academy to Sarah's heart and mind. If you feel called to this course, trust the process and enjoy every moment of the journey. It is a beautiful one!"


"I truly enjoyed this program! It was super helpful and I learned so much. I highly recommend!"

Kelsi Gray

"God spoke so clearly to do this Christian Life Coaching Certification. NowBloom is extremely Holy Spirit-led in teaching how to become a coach. God spoke so clearly that I am to bring people into breakthrough through healing, deeper intimacy with God and setting goals that align with heaven; this course gave me all of that and more. I am confident going into what God has called me to because of this course. 10/10 recommend!!! Also Sarah is so sweet, helpful, organized & surrendered— she is a great teacher and is definitely walking out her calling by doing this course!"

Joanna Giuroiu

"I enjoyed Now Bloom Academy. I was blessed by the program in my personal spiritual development and also it opened up my mind for a different life perspective. God used Sarah to helped me pace myself better in my personal life. She knows how to stay focused, she communicates well and is very organized, and helpful to her students. She cares for her clients growth. Attending Sarah's program helped me to understand and grow in what I believe I am called to be. So I can improve my skills to serve and help others and also invest in my personal life to coach myself in my challenges and relationship with God. We have to remember that God must be #1, and the Holy Spirit is the ultimate helper by having someone who can walk by your side, and help you grow and see things from different perspectives can be very valuable and beneficial. I am grateful I have accomplished Now Bloom Academy."

Keryn Nelson

"I have taken several online courses over the years, and without a doubt, the NowBloom CLC course has provided me with the best experience so far. The course content, along with the support from Sarah at the beginning, during, and after the course, are all executed with wonderful attention to detail and care. To expound just a bit, I absolutely love the course material which is incredibly enriching and has even helped me strengthen my faith. Despite working full time and juggling numerous responsibilities, I was able to navigate through all the material and complete the course within the given timeframe, thanks to how well-managed the pace of the course is. It was also a delightful experience going through the content as it felt more like a treat rather than just coursework -- I couldn't help but say to myself each week, "God has really breathed on this!". I am forever grateful to God and to Sarah for walking out this assignment as it has changed my life. Last thing, this course provides an opportunity to journey alongside a group of women who share a profound love for the Lord. This aspect was truly awe-inspiring. I wholeheartedly recommend anyone contemplating it to register."

Rebeca Da Silva De Goes

"This program was truly a blessing to my life. I was led by the Holy Spirit to take this course and I'm so glad I did. What I received out of this program is much more of what I was expecting. After finishing this program, I was equipped to coach and help Christians in areas they need clarity, revelation, etc. But what I didn't know was, that this program will do something to my own personal spiritual life. This course helped me to align my posture to clearly hear God's voice and know where He is leading me. My purpose was revealed to me during this course in a supernatural way. I found out what my spiritual gifts are, how it is connected to my purpose and how I can use them to advance the Kingdom of God. I also got the chance to build beautiful relationships with like-minded women of God where we still support, pray, and encourage each other in our callings. The amount of money, I paid for this course is incomparable to the value I received, Period. Thankful and Grateful for Sarah and the Now Bloom Academy."

Sarah Steadman

"NowBloom Academy with Sarah Aziz was a life-changing experience for me. Even if you do not want to pursue life coaching as a career, I would highly recommend this course. Sarah shares practical and spiritual steps on how to be a better listener, sharer, and supporter. This course could also be an excellent tool if you are in ministry. Her video lessons and homework assignments are thought provoking. If you feel called to help people, NowBloom may be your next step!"

Christina Batista-Ferreira

When God made it clear this was the certification program for me to take, I knew He was about to bless my socks off. Each class was solidifying and confirming things I've already learned or grown into, the materials and resources were also great. I am so thankful for Sarah saying YES to God, when He led her to develop this program. She has poured out extensively to equip and train future christian life coaches with such a sweet spirit. I am also so touched by every single prayer at the end of the classes. I would highly recommend Sarah's program to anyone. I believe they will be highly blessed. Thank you Sarah!  

Eliza Ceci

After being saved I stopped working as a life coach because I wanted to be certain I was teaching from a biblical lens. One day I was searching online for Christian life coach trainings and I found Sarah. I enrolled in Now Bloom immediately because I could see how much Sarah really embodies all she teaches and it's even more obvious when you work with her. This coach training was invaluable to me. I was able to set aside my fears of doing coaching wrong as a believer and instead was filled with tools and discernment to guide my clients toward their revelations through working with the Holy Spirit in sessions. I feel so grateful for what I've learned from Sarah and I know the spiritual fruit of her work will bless me well into the future. I just graduated and already have my first Christian coaching client. I'm grateful for the confidence this course offered me to work for and with the Lord every single day.

Martine Sorthe

Coming from traditional Life Coaching rooted in new age spirituality, I am beyond grateful for Sarah and the Now Bloom Academy laying out a pathway to make the transition to Christian Life Coaching. If you're feeling confused and not quite sure how you're going to proceed with Coaching after your new spiritual revelations about Jesus, look no further than this course. With Sarah's guidance, you will have a renewed sense of purpose for coaching, and be equipped to hold Christian Life Coaching sessions with God dwelling in the midst of them. Do not let the Enemy stop you from sharing your gift as a coach, but let God continue to use you to help others shine their light. Amen!

Rebecca Noe Grosso

I struggled to find a Christian Life Coach program. I dug into it for months, praying and looking at various programs/schools. The Holy Spirit led me to Sarah at NowBloom Academy and once the course started I knew why. Sarah's compassion, strength, Biblical knowledge, ability to breakdown topics into teachable lessons, combined with her love for God has created this incredible course. Thank you!

Alejandra Berrios-Guzman

When I felt called by the Lord to enroll for this course, I had no idea how the Lord would use Sarah not just for my own growth and healing, but to open my eyes to the calling He has for my life! The course was such a journey. Sarah lets herself be used by the Holy Spirit throughougt the course. The knowledge she transmits to us, the care she has for every student and her humble approach with each topic was such a blessing to me. I recommend this course to anyone who feels called to be a life coach. Not only will you learn how to become one, you will also grow your relationship with the Lord. Thank you Sarah for being so passionate and a willing servant for the Kingdom!

Anastasiia Kolomoichenko

OH! it was something! this course has helped me a lot in different spheres of my life - Bible reading has become a favourite daily routine, I have just fallen in love with this process. secondly, I have recieved such powerful tools how to do life-coach sessions with my potential clients in such a quality way, knowing what to do and what not to. also, I have been so blessed with the comunity of girls who have been together with me in this journey. for an example, one day, I asked a question in our group chat about their experience, and by the answer of one lady I have recieved such an insight! I would recommend this course for everyone who hasn't decided yet what to do with his life, who is in doubts, and whose faith maybe at the super low condition - this is for you! don't waste a minute, just give it a try, and you will see how God miraculously will work within you and through you.

Amaris Duarte

I’ve always wanting to be involved in something that would benefit the Kingdom. I was asking God for guidance and that his doors can open. Then on YouTube I saw Sarah’s Chanel about her and her husband. I then clicked on her profile and then followed her Instagram. I saw on her post that she was hosting Christian life coaching sessions. Oh my gosh when I say the Lord made my heart gleamed with Joy it was such a surreal feeling. I applied right away knowing God was going to supply for me to attend these sessions After receiving all of the videos I felt so loved by God knowing he had answered a prayer. Ps. Sarah’s love story has motivated me so so much (as a single girl) that God makes the most beautiful love stories. I just have to continue setting my eyes on him.

Angie Vargas

This course opened my eyes to my God-given potential, my true identity in Christ, and how I could help other women to step into their God-given purpose and experience a life of freedom with Jesus. I went to school to become a therapist, but didn't feel it was the right path for me immediately after graduating. After 10 years of searching (in disappointment) for what I could do with my skills, my degree, and life experience, God led me to Sarah's YouTube channel. I had never heard of a Christian Life Coach and was curious to see why God was nudging me to take this course at NowBloom Academy. After completing this course, I feel closer to Jesus, refreshed in my faith, and most importantly, well-equipped to help women from all walks of life!

Breana Graham

This program truly was an amazing experience, and I believe it has resulted in me truly too bloom in the characteristics that God has designed me in. And I’m also grateful for the connections that I have made from within the Whatsapp chat!!

Daniele Anaise

NowBloom Academy has been an incredible blessing and experience in my life. Enrolling in the January 2023 semester was a decision guided by the Lord, and I am so glad that He opened up the way for me. I will forever be grateful for the wisdom and knowledge I’ve gained during my Christian Life Coach Training. Sarah’s teachings were very intentional, filled with purpose, and brought so much value to both my own personal walk with the Lord and my God-given calling as a Christian Life Coach. The Holy Spirit was present throughout this program. I witnessed Him working in such a beautiful way, forming life-long relationships and building a community within the body of Christ. NowBloom Academy has equipped me with the tools and resources needed for my own healing journey and to assist others professionally through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, keeping the integrity of Biblical faith. It was truly an honour to be a student of Sarah's and to be a part of this amazing opportunity at NowBloom.

Heaven French

The program was a overall blessing from the Lord .God new what he was doing sending Sarah at the right time in my life . I am so thankful to have gone through this program and experince the wonderful opportunity of being part of something so wonderful. I have gained both knowledge and skills that will help benifet me and others as well. Thank you so Sarah!

Iniah Marie Belle

This program not only equipped me to do the work, but also was a catalyst to do work on myself. Communication with our instructor, Sarah, and the Nowbloom community allowed us all to get through together as everyone supported eachother. Sarah was very helpful and attentive and I feel very confident in my ability to provide quality coaching. Im so happy to have completed this course.

Jackie Villegas

I truly enjoyed the course it was very insightful and she spoke on each subject with clearity. I feel this course helps you to truly get in touch with the Holy Spirit and allowing the Holy Spirit be the one that brings healing to the clients. I love the approach it was refreshing. Highly Recommed this course.

Jodie Hawkes

I highly encourage anyone and everyone to sign up for this course. The skills I learnt, the knowledge I gained, and the deeper intimacy with God I received throughout the program are so valuable to me. I not only learnt how to better pray for and help others with their struggles, but I was even able to identify root issues and have revelations in my own life over things I’ve struggled with for 6+ years! I honestly couldn’t be more grateful that God put NowBloom academy on my heart - and this experience will be something I will always be able to look back on with love and pride. Sarah is an incredible coach, and it was an honour to learn from her! I can honestly say I will never be the same. And I don’t want to be.

Krysta Eldey

The NowBloom Acedemy Christian life coaching course has helped me learn so much about myself and find inner healing and growth. I can't wait to help my own clients achieve freedom in all areas of their lives and use the skills and knowledge that I have gleaned from taking this course. Sarah is an amazing instructor and has been so supportive and personable throughout the duration of the course. I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in becoming a life coach or who just wants help in better understanding themselves and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide them in their own inner healing.

Nicole Limon

Thank you, NowBloom Academy, for coming up with a faith based and spirit-led program. It allowed me to encounter Him deeply. It came at a perfect time when I was struggling with my identity and purpose. At the time when I began taking your program I was actually seeing a Christian Life Coach already. It worked hand and hand with my walk with her. I will be forever grateful for how God used your program to reinforce the healing that needed to take place within me. Experiencing God’s love and knowing what sacrifice my coach took is priceless! Thank you for equipping us with the knowledge, wisdom, prayers and practical tools in helping others to be set free. Sarah, thank you for never failing to remind us to always partner with God and the Holy Spirit, reinforcing that this is what will set our coaching ministry apart from the rest. I think that alone is so powerful! Grateful too for the community! I loved connecting with other Godly woman who share the same passion & heart to serve others. Sarah, you are a vessel of comfort, hope & love. I am so excited for how God will use you and Now Bloom Academy to transform more lives! May you continue to bloom gracefully in seasons to come! : )

Nicole Martínez

1 year ago, I felt on my spirit to enter this course and I finally did it this year and I felt a spiritual awakening, also healing in areas I didn’t knew were still there, there was a lot of restoration on the hearts. This course was amazing, I feel very connected with God and my Spirit side. If you feel the need to enter, do it, this course is gonna transform your mind, spirit and soul.